Cycling & Pregnancy

For anyone who speaks German I have written a post about my experience of cycling (road bike) during my two pregnancies, including some hacks on how to enjoy riding throughout those quite intensive nine months. I included some data on the heart rate zones, I target as well as the progress of my performance indicators during all three trimesters.

There was scarcely any resources on the subject on the internet, so I hope this might be useful to other people in the future.

Heute Mathe, morgen Lokad

Am 12. Juni 2018 bin ich auf Kurzbesuch in meiner Uni, an der TU Darmstadt und halte einen Vortrag im Seminar ‘Heute Mathe Morgen ?’ und spreche über meine in Paris ansässige Firma Lokad:

12.06.18 — 13:30 Uhr in S2|15 51

Wer Interesse hat mehr zu erfahren über:

  • Deep Learning / Machine Learning in der Industrie,
  • Quantitative Logistik Optimierung,
  • was endliche l_1-Folgen mit Logistik zu tun haben,
  • Arbeiten in Frankreich,

oder wer tendenziell Interesse hat

ist herzlich willkommen!

Bitte teilen!


On June 12th  I have the great honor to be back in Darmstadt! I’ll be speaking in the alumni seminar ‘Heute Mathe Morgen ?’